Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving success!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and if you are anything like me, I am still enjoying it because I made entirely too much food!

Balsamic Chocolate Cake

Caramel Pound Cake

6 Cheese and Macaroni

Corn Muffins and Yeast Rolls


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Don't hate the baker. Hate the game.

I am so sorry you's guys! Really I am! I made quite a lot of blog-worthy foods, but alas, I vowed to stop taking those terrible webcam pics. I finally got my mocha-paws on a better camera and I have some things to show you.
German Chocolate Cake!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Double oven.

Don't be sad! I know I have not posted since Friday, and it's not because I have been slacking; in fact, I have been cooking up a storm! i have not taken any pictures because I decided that I need to get a real camera to do my food justice. This is what it means to move up in the world. I did want to let you all know that I have just started writing for Dead Journalist and I am loving it thus far. I have always known that I am extremely opinionated and it is finally paying off.

Crispy tofu, Thai fried rice and steamed veggies.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Bite-sized bomb bagels

Yes. Yes. It is Friday once again and I hope that you did not miss me too much. If you did, you need to get some friends outside of the internet. This does not mean I love you any less; let's make that clear.
On this amazing, fall day I bring to you mini-bagels!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

When you're tired, you go to bed. When I'm tired, I cook!

I had the pleasure of cooking for 7 hours, sleeping for 4.5 and then cooking for another 3.5 before heading out to a McDonald's corporate event for which I was providing the food! YAY!!! Thank God it's over.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Pete+Suck+Rust= ???

I am eating this RIGHT NOW! You are soooo jealous.
PIZZA CRUST! That's right. I am going to share a bit of my amazing pizza making tips with you. Get ready to make an awesome pizza crust dough that I have made so many times that I don't have to measure anything. I realize I am bragging right now and sometimes that is OK; bake what your mama gave ya'!

Happy November!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Foodie Tunes Friday

I am posting this while guzzling a french press of huehuetenango @ Octane WESTSIDE! They were playing Mumford and Sons so I opted to listen to something else. I can't say that I didn't enjoy a song or two 3 years ago, but it's simply too much. They are not one of those bands that I could ever listen to an entire album of. Is it me or do most of their songs sound the same?!?! Anyways... Bring on the hate mail! I have always been a fan of offering remedies and solutions; in light of that, here is a song that I hope will get you all dancing. You won't be annoyed by it. You won't hear it in the drug store as you are picking up tums or Christmas cards. It is possible. I heard Arcade Fire in Kroger not so long ago. I hope to continue this every Friday. I did mention that I am a huge music fiend so it is only fair that I dedicate an entire post at least once a week to the addiction. Without further adu, the first ever FOODIE TUNE: Zoot Woman "Hope In The Mirror" by djnomnoms

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Feta Recipe

This cheese has more of a mildly tart flavor than typical feta.The HUGE difference with this recipe is that I did not use goats milk, rennet tabs or yogurt. It is a great cheese to make if you have some milk that is bordering on expiration. By this, I mean milk that is within 1-2 days of expiration. By no means am I advising anyone to use milk that is a week old. Ew.

Mastering Mozzarella

I ventured into cheese making not so long ago and it was fun except for the fact that I didn't have everything I needed. This time around, I am making mozzarella I have the appropriate cloth, buttermilk and rennet tabs. I am ready to make a mess! I am so excited.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Vaniller Puddin' Y'all!

Around 11:30 pm or so, I did what any normal person does and I went downstairs to cook something(s). I remembered that there was some souring milk, so I put that on simmer with some white vinegar and left it to curdle so I could make cheese while I made vanilla pudding. After straining the whey from the curds, I whisked up my pudding, threw it in the fridge to cool and quickly set out to make cookies because I was going to make banana pudding at midnight. I am so awesome all the time!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So, what are you doing now?

For all of those that have no idea who I am, your life is about to change. To those that do, celebrate! I am a great person to know. Seriously.